It is the mission of Lighthouse Boxer Rescue to assist Boxer Dogs who find themselves homeless, hungry, neglected and/or abused; to educate the public on responsible pet care, training and breeding; to offer services that will help reunite lost dogs with their owners; we are committed to helping these souls regardless of age, color or condition.

Available Dogs


Dylan is the only Boxer we have available for adoption currently. Dylan is a pretty laid back Boxer; he loves to cuddle on the couch to a good movie and also enjoys evening walks. Dylan is approximately 5 - 6 years old. He is up to date on all vaccines, microchipped and neutered. He knows many obedience cues and is a well behaved boy! While Dylan loves adult people he does become anxious around children and busy environments. He is also reactive to other dogs so Dylan will need to be in a home that does not have other dogs or small children. Dylan is on very inexpensive medication to help him with these anxieties and he tolerates them well.

If you are interested in Dylan and meet the adoption requirements, please complete an Adoption Application today!