It is the mission of Lighthouse Boxer Rescue to assist Boxer Dogs who find themselves homeless, hungry, neglected and/or abused; to educate the public on responsible pet care, training and breeding; to offer services that will help reunite lost dogs with their owners; we are committed to helping these souls regardless of age, color or condition.

Are You Ready?


So you think you’re ready for a Boxer?
Whether you have owned a Boxer before or not, read this to help determine if a Boxer is for you!!!

Ask any boxer owner what boxers are like, and chances are you'll hear the word “exuberant” mentioned at least once. This is no mellow couch potato dog. Although boxers are less active than some dogs, they do best with owners who appreciate and can accommodate their natural exuberance and zest for life. If you're looking for a dog that will join you in a friendly wrestling match, the boxer is a perfect partner.

With their big barrel chests and undeniable charm, the boxer has won their way into the hearts of many people. The boxer is a powerful, intelligent dog. Typically, a boxer stands anywhere from 21” to 25” and weighs anywhere between 50 – 75 pounds. Boxers have a strong, square build with a tight fitting coat. Their coat can either be fawn, brindle or all white. The boxer often has a mixture of white with the fawn or brindle. It’s a misconception that Boxers do not shed – believe us, they DO shed a lot! Boxers should have a docked tail, although due to irresponsible breeders, we are seeing more and more boxers with tails. The Boxer was originally developed to be a working dog. This included working with police, the military and on farms – just to name a few. The Boxers intelligence and stamina made them excellent workers. They are happy to have a job and know when they have successfully completed their duty. They will often jump exuberantly or offer that famous “Boxer Wiggle” in response to a job well done!
Always clowning around, boxers are playful and tend to act like puppies their entire lives. Sure, boxers can be very well behaved and in perfect control, but watch out for that twinkle in their eyes, because if anyone proposes a game, a boxer of any age will be more than ready to play hard!

Boxers are athletic, high-energy dogs with lots of muscle to maintain. They are also intelligent, and if you don't keep those brains busy, you'll have a bored buddy. You can satisfy your brainy and brawny boxer by getting involved in organized activities, such as agility and competitive obedience, or more casual pursuits such as hiking, walking and mastering tricks. Boxers’ high energy and intelligence mean you must also be ready to stay one step ahead of them during activities and at home. Boxers are also good jumpers and may escape from fenced yards if they are bored and see something fun to chase on the other side of the fence. Boxers have a lot of energy so be prepared to see your adult boxer race around the house at break-neck speed!!

Because boxers are strong and curious and need lots of stimulation, a bored boxer can easily become a destructive boxer. Boxers must have plenty of chew toys, lots of mental challenges, and they must be trained so they know what is and is not allowed. We can't expect our boxers to attend one training class and be the perfect obedient companions! Training is ongoing. You can't get a boxer and never do anything with him/her and expect him/her to be perfect; to not chew on things, to not misbehave or not be destructive. You have to show him/her how to be a good dog. Boxers are play motivated and easily bored so it's up to you to find interesting ways to train. Dog training should only be done using Positive Reinforcement (clicker, treats, toys, etc). Never use shock collars, choke collars, force or fear based training or any other Negative training techniques on your companion! Boxers are very sensitive and negative reinforcement training will only crush their good spirit. With positive reinforcement training, your boxer will want nothing more than to keep pleasing you because that is what makes them happy!

When it comes to company, a Boxers curiosity and love of people get the best of them. Boxers insist on greeting people face-to-face and bestowing a few licks, too! Your boxer may be very well behaved every day around your house, but it seems that all that goes out the window when company comes over! They just can’t help wanting to get in your guests face. They are a sensitive breed and are affected by the energy of their human companions. Boxers are often called “The 70lb lap dog” because they do love to cuddle and snuggle with their human! Rest assured that if you disappear behind a closed door, your Boxer will be there waiting for you – the whole time wondering where you went! And it doesn’t matter if you’re gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours, the greeting will be the same every time!

Because boxers are friendly, people oriented and adjust readily to new situations they are typically easy to place into new homes. A well-screened rescued boxer is a great choice for people who don’t want to deal with puppy hood. Consider a well-screened adult boxer from a responsible rescue group. The Boxers adaptability not only helps a rescue dog settle comfortably into your home, but helps it weather the changes of a human household. Keep in mind that all dogs require at least 6 months of transition time into a new home.


While most boxers are known to love other dogs, children and people there are times when this may not be the case. Some boxers, for many reasons, could react negatively to one, or more, of the above elements. Dogs, in general, need to be socialized at a young age and if they do not get that socialization, they can have a negative or fearful reaction to something “new”. This fear can then be interpreted as aggression, which is typically not the case. If dealing with a fearful or aggressive dog, it is a good idea to seek the advice of a professional trainer who can help determine if your dog is showing fear or true aggression. A professional trainer will help you work with your dog and teach you how to be a better handler in those situations where your dog becomes fearful.

Often times, dogs can also display a prey drive. With a prey drive a dog will chase after small animals from cats, squirrels, chipmunks to bunnies just to name a few. In these situations it is important to keep an eye on your dog as they could jump a fence trying to get after that bunny, if that is what they are focused on.
derek 034 A JOYFUL BREED
Boxers are always happy and they are always up for a game of any kind. If you are prepared for and can appreciate the Boxers enthusiasm for life then having a Boxer can be the best experience of your life! Boxer’s are curious, full of energy and natural clowns. Although this is a quality that is well known and loved, an unprepared person could find themselves very frustrated with this personality. Knowing the Boxer breed and what you want out of your own boxer will help you build a strong and loyal relationship. Take all these things into consideration when deciding to get a Boxer. They are great dogs, but they need lots of attention, exercise, obedience and love. If this all sounds like a great match for you and your family, then enjoy the journey ahead. Get ready for big wet kisses and that so happy to see you butt wiggle…rescue a Boxer!


Often times, dogs can also display a prey drive. With a prey drive a dog will chase after small animals from cats, squirrels, chipmunks to bunnies just to name a few. In these situations it is important to keep an eye on your dog as they could jump a fence trying to get after that bunny, if that is what they are focused on.