It is the mission of Lighthouse Boxer Rescue to assist Boxer Dogs who find themselves homeless, hungry, neglected and/or abused; to educate the public on responsible pet care, training and breeding; to offer services that will help reunite lost dogs with their owners; we are committed to helping these souls regardless of age, color or condition.

How We Can Help

  • Encourage pet owners to make their pets a bigger part of family life.
  • Provide assistance to families that can no longer keep their pets.
  • Information on local Spay/Neuter Programs
  • Community education presentations and public education.
  • Housetraining Information
  • Leash Training Assistance, i.e. Sensible Harness
  • Behavioral Information
  • Nutritional Information
  • Population Control
  • Assist the community by pulling Boxers from local kill shelters.